Student and Family Articles

Pizza Near Me While At UWEC

Property Management Blog
At the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC) the dorm food can be disgusting. 🤮 Especially as it gets late into the semester and the dorm food service realizes they are over budget on food costs so they increase the cheap n... read more >>

Camping Near UWEC Eau Claire

Property Management Blog
If you're a student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC) or just visiting the area, you might be wondering where you can go camping nearby. Whether you like tent camping, RV camping, or just spending time in natur... read more >>

Emotional Support Animals (ESA) and Renting

Property Management Blog
An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides emotional and therapeutic benefits to individuals who are dealing with mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Unlike service animals, which are ... read more >>

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Pet as a Student

Property Management Blog
As a student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, adopting a pet can be an exciting idea that brings joy, companionship, and responsibility into your life. However, before you rush into adopting a furry friend, it’s es... read more >>

What is a Resident Benefit Package and what's in it FOR ME

What is a Resident Benefit Package and what's in it FOR ME
Residents Benefit Packages (RBPs) are increasingly popular among property management companies as a way to provide added convenience, cost savings, and enhanced support for tenants. For a small monthly fee, these packages often in... read more >>
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